Hey, its me, Lemerks Merk Merkington, but please dont call me that.

So here i was, on a normal sunny day at brazil, almost about to die due to how extreme the heat was, seriously, it gets real hot over here.

But suddenly, as i was walking i notice something in the distance... You wanna guess what i saw? An ice cream truck, with no one on it. A totally defenseless ice cream truck was just sitting in front of my eyes, on an extremely hot day.

Naturally the first thing i did was just go inside it and eat some frozen treats, but i was feeling a little bit more... Gluttonous than usual.

I ate every single ice cream there, all 5.000 of them, which of course didnt end well.

After a while i woke up in a hospital bed, with my mother and some doctors there explaining the situation to me, apparently eating all 5.000 ice creams made me really cool, (my body temperature is like -200C° now, damn) so they had to make me a special jacket which like yeah it wont remove my coolness, but atleast i can live!

yeah this totally happened irl, trust