Main site ME! de merk Stuff i've done lol blog thing (trsust) places where you can find me things to mess around with

Teh about me thing!

Lemerks backstory real

*insert doesnt matter instrumental* Hey, its me, Lemerks.

So there was one day where it was really, REALLY hot, and like every kid would do when its hot, they'd eat ice cream, but the day was so hot that instead of eating one ice cream or something like that, i ate 5.000, in one sitting.

Which apparently the doctors say made me really cool, (apparently my body temperature is like -200C°? damn) so they had to make me a special jacket which like yeah it wont remove my coolness, but atleast i can live! yeah this totally happened irl, trust

Website backstory omaga

Ever since i was a small little bitty boy, i had a dream. Ok im lying but i always thought that it would be really cool to have my own website
But i never really had skill coding, or any skill at making anything if im being honest, so the idea of having a website quickly died out (and even then idk how i would host a website lol)
So when i became older, i started lookin back at older websites, and their unique and stylish design compared to todays websites which are quite bland if i do say so myself, although i've never been able to experience the "old" net
So i think like one or two years ago, i find this little web hostin thing called "Neouceetees" or something like that, and i saw all the actually amazing websites there, seeing how they were super creative, super pretty but also just sites that were fun to look at, and interact with, so i thunk "huh, maybe i can make a site like those too" and after checking out how actually not hard html was,this website began development